Shifting Practice to Improve Outcomes for
Students Whose Behaviors are Misunderstood
Webinar Overview
Building a deeper understanding of the impacts of stress and trauma on individuals helps us to understand their behavior differently. When we can better identify how our words and actions can lead to better student outcomes, including increased learning, achievement, and reduction in punitive approaches, classrooms become spaces where everyone belongs.
Presentation Materials
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Webinar Topics:
- Build an understanding of neuroscience and stress response and how that understanding can positively impact children with misunderstood behaviors.
- Examine the intersections of trauma, disability, and the discipline trauma cycle.
- Increase awareness of how the impacts of stress and trauma impact a child’s access to learning and social emotional well-being.
- Explore how adults can change their lens on behavior, be mindful of words and actions, and understand their own stress responses, leading to better outcomes for children.
Guy Stephens Bio:
Guy Stephens is the founder and executive director of the Alliance Against Seclusion and Restraint (AASR), a nonprofit organization he started in 2019. AASR is a community of over 30,000 parents, self-advocates, teachers, school administrators, paraprofessionals, attorneys, related service providers, and others working together to influence change in supporting children whose behaviors are often misunderstood. AASR's mission is to inform changes in policy and practice to reduce and eliminate the use of punitive discipline and outdated behavioral management approaches and end the school-to-prison pipeline. The vision of AASR is safer schools for students, teachers, and staff.
Guy Stephens is a national expert on the issue of restraint and seclusion. He has presented at conferences and events across North America and has provided guest lectures for undergraduate and graduate courses. Guy is frequently cited in news and media coverage related to restraint, seclusion, and other forms of punitive discipline. Guy is the vice president of the board of directors for the Arc of Maryland. He is on the board of directors for PDA North America. He is an active member of the Alliance to Prevent Restraint, Aversive Interventions, and Seclusion (APRAIS). Guy is the host of the AASR Live podcast, a biweekly video podcast that started in 2020. In 2022, Guy spoke to the House Committee on Education and Labor of Congress in support of the Keeping All Students Safe Act.
Guy lives in Southern Maryland with his wife and two amazing children. His journey in advocacy began as a parent, advocating for appropriate accommodations and supports for his neurodivergent son. Guy believes that we can do better for all children and adults; if we can, we must. Guy understands that we must embrace neurodiversity and neuroscience to create safe and inclusive environments to ensure equal rights and opportunities for all.
Guy lives in Southern Maryland with his wife and two amazing children. His journey in advocacy began as a parent, advocating for appropriate accommodations and supports for his neurodivergent son. Guy believes that we can do better for all children and adults; if we can, we must. Guy understands that we must embrace neurodiversity and neuroscience to create safe and inclusive environments to ensure equal rights and opportunities for all.
This webinar has been developed for parents, families, caregivers, educators, early childhood educators and providers across disciplines.
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All Webinars are Free to Attend
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